Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Unrevised short story "Sexual Cannibals"
A short story I wrote for Virgin Mawrtyr, the zine I run on campus. They should be completed by tomorrow. I wrote this in about 7 hours on uppers. I think most of the ideas I wanted to incorporate are present, but it clearly needs heavy revision that I just don't have time to do right now. Until then here is what I have so far.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Together

" We discover Yiu-fai on the subway. He looks pensive, and then, in a maddeningly ambiguous moment, he appears to take something out of his pocket and lookat it for just a second-we can only surmise that this is what he is doing, since the shot only shows his face-and a tiny smile appears. Has he looked at the photo of Chang? As the subway train hurtles into the bright white station, freeze-frame. The End. The Turtles song continues, however, and we suddenly realize that Yiu-fai is still in love with Po-wing and probably always will be. The lyrics spell it loud and clear: "I can't see me lovin' nobody but you for all my life." But maybe Stokes and Hoover say it best: 'Fai learns to get over Po-wing and on with his life. He doesn't stop loving Po-wing, just as he doesn't hose to love him to begin with, but he makes a choice about how to love him, where they can be 'happy together'-at a distance.'" (86 Brunette "Wong Kar Wai")
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"All my life, there you go, oh please stay, just this once, anyway"
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Missed connections
FINALLY got a missed connection post on craigslist. I decided to wear my Steve Zissou hat and nerdy glasses that day for a class photo of my Film/Video I course at Penn. My heart literally stopped when I saw it. I probably won't respond to it, since it's probably just some big pseudo-hipster creep, but it's still exciting none-the-less.
It was this afternoon at UPENN
You're a girl dressed in black, with short black hair and a red beanie. You had big black nerdy glasses. I loved your boots and your big glasses. You were near the love sign in locust walk witha bunch of people having a picture taken. By the way you were dressed I think we might have A LOT of things in common. I'm not a Penn student but I was visiting someone there. i don't think you will ever read this, but it won't hurt trying."
Thursday, September 11, 2008

I've been feeling super accomplished lately, especially since I just got my job at Uncommon Grounds, this cafe/restaurant kinda place on campus. I was lucky to get hired esp. cause I'd never had any dining hall experience. They just needed employees really badly and I happened to respond to the ad early enough. So I only work a few hours a week but, it's nice because it feels out my schedule and keeps me busy and extra money never hurt. It'll also be nice when I apply for other barista/food jobs cause then I'll have the experience.
Anyways, I've been feeling really accomplished and too busy to really notice how lonely I am. Every morning I wake up at 8, take a shower, EAT BREAKFAST (which I never do), go to classes, get lunch, go to work, do homework, eat dinner, do more homework, spend some time with friends, talk to Jesse and then go to bed around 11 or 12. SO get this, I'm eating all of the meals, going to bed early, waking up early, AND getting all my shit done. I haven't even been drinking during the week. I swear it's like I'm a different person. BUT I'm still smoking healthily and not exercising. I was thinking about adding those onboard but that would just be too healthy and freak me out. I just hope all these positive changes don't make me have some nervous breakdown in the near future. But I guess we'll see.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008

A slice across my right breast. Bruises on my knee. A scab on my elbow. As painful as they are I love them. There is something really appealing about injuries, that are especially wonderful when you got them from skinny dipping in fountains with your friends. It's also wonderful when your body is wounded but you're all around content in the soul and are still in love with someone for over a year in your heart. And that person is visiting in a month.
The only thing I might want to watch out for is my drinking problems. And how I can sometimes be a very angry and irresponsible drunk. I've been drunk this entire week. Like, belligerent and there hasn't been a good median any of the times. I need to be cautious as to avoid embarrassing myself. As in like not calling Ivy and Kevin O'Hal 10 times each over the course of 5 minutes to try and keep them from making out.
Fall Frolic is on the 15th and I'm super excited. I need to purchase a megaphone STAT. Fall Frolic is when all the clubs get together on the lawn and set up tables to try and convince people to join. I have this great plan of dressing up with Ivy and reading sexy passages of Anais Nin's short erotica over a megaphone. And putting up pictures of my pink pubes all over the table for decor. I don't think people could resist.
I'm thinking this passage...
"Now she was in the cabin of the smooth Spaniard, Dalvedo. Daledo was peeling some cactus figs for her, and talking. Mathild was regaining confidence. She sat on the arm of a chair in her red velvet evening dress.
But the peeling of the figs was interrupted. Dalvedo rose and said, "You have the most seductive little mole on your chin." She thought that he would try to kiss her. But he didn't. He unbuttoned himself quickly, took his penis out and, with the gesture of an apche to a woman of the streets, said, "Kneel."
And Mathilde again struck, then moved towards the door.
"Don't go," he begged, "you drive me crazy. Lok at the state you put me in. I was like this all evening when I danced with you. You can't leave me now."
He tried to embrace her. As she struggled to elude him he came all over her dress. She had to cover herself with her evening cape to regain her cabin."
Sunday, September 7, 2008
We all wanna know the cause
Friday, September 5, 2008
A series of hellafuckingshitty events

So even though the last few days have been full of fun and new friends, the last couple of days have truly taken a toll on me. I don't think I've ever been happier to stay in on a Friday night.
Last night was the worst night I've had in a long time. I met up with Ned after my Penn class (which I'm super stoked for, Video production, yay!) and was convinced into coming to Pilam's first Happy Hour of the year. I had a lot of fun but made sure I left early to make it to the train station in time for the last train out to Bryn Mawr. I also took a cab to insure my early arrival. So I make it early and while I'm waiting on the bench I double check to see if my ticket is in my wallet, and it is all fine and safe. I see I still have 5 mins to pee, so I rush to the bathroom, and somehow between then and when I rushed back my wallet was gone. Either it fell out and someone took it (I checked the bathroom and my running path, as well as the bench) or somehow someone stole it out of my bag. So I'm stuck in Philly for the night with no money,very little battery left in my phone, and no cigarettes ( and no one will let me buy them because my ID is stolen in my wallet.) So I call Ned and whine to him and he tells me I can stay at his house and he'll lend me the money to take the train the next morning. But somehow there is a miscommunication and I end up walking 12 blocks in pinchy shoes and 1/4 of a missing toenail (ouch!) and wait around for another hour until he comes and we leave for his house. That night I decided since I had undergone so much stress, it was legit for me to skip class the next morning seeing as I'd have to wake up at 7 in order to make it and wouldn't have time to get a new bank card and cancel my account.
So I wake up around 11, poop in Ned's toilet and clog it and embarrassingly have to own up to the situation. Ned instructs me with how to deal with it then lends me the money to take the train. (Shout out to Ned for being the most helpful person ever.) I decide after I get my bank card I will go shopping and have a really nice lunch to make me feel better. Unfortunately I can't find any restaurants where I want to eat so just end up eating at Qdoba. I check all my usual stores and find nothing appealing. Lastly I check FYE to buy a sweet video game but can't find anything interesting except the new soul calibur, which I pick out only to find that it is not in stock. So finally I give up, ask a stranger to buy me a pack of cigarettes (which was weird doing again) and head home. When I get home I decide to eat a nice bowl of microwavable chicken noodle soup and taken a nice warm shower to calm myself down. While in the shower I reach down into my shower caddy to grab my face wash only to find that my finger has landed right onto my razor instead and slit half of a cm of the tip off into a hinge. (You can't see it too well in the picture but believe me it is pretty disgusting.) It doesn't stop bleeding for 15 minutes and I have to scramble around naked trying to take care of it. Nonetheless it's been a pretty rough first week and I've never been more excited to just stay at home and do homework for the rest of the weekend.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Waiting Room

Have been listening to Animal Collective's strawberry jam non-stop since I've been here. This album is so incredible and the sort of upbeat direction I'd love to take with music. Today was super sunny and I spent it mostly by myself and was so happy today for some reason. Just sort of became ok with everything. Walked over to food source and bought a sandwich and ice coffee and just lingered at a patio table for over an hour just enjoying the weather and listening to music by myself. I love days like that.
The last week was spent settling into being back at college and the like. I'm all moved in and my room is surprisingly quite spacious and comfortable. Love my roommate. Love my wii. Love cooking mama. Love skinny dipping in the cloisters. Loving life.
Had some quality father/daughter bonding time for like the first time in my life on Saturday. We went to New Hope which is like an hour North of Philly, my dad's hometown he hadn't visited in 20 years and bumped into random people he knew from forever ago. Was super emotional cause he used to be a drug addict and was coming back sober and successful. It was nice. It made me wonder if I hadn't been back to Eugene for 20 years what I'd be feeling and who I'd bump into.
I've been working on a short story called the "waiting room," that's about a woman who wakes up in the middle of the night and drives to a waiting room and waits to see a doctor. It's all about this idea that we're always waiting for something in life, and ends up being a huge metaphor for life in the way in which we're always waiting for something permanent, and in the end how the only thing we have to wait for, and what we've been waiting for all along is death. And the god is in the form of a doctor and all that allegorical bullcrap. Maybe I'll post it when it's done.
I've been feeling pretty weird about this limbo period. Lately I've been feeling like I'm in a waiting room. Waiting for school to be over, waiting for a home (not dancing back and forth from Eugene and Philly, my parents house and a dorm), waiting for a permanent lover, a career, life to become "real life." But then I remember there's not much I can do about it and go back to playing cooking mama.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Masculin Feminin

I was lurking Cassidy's blog and found this entry particularly interesting:
I have to say, being in Korea, I'd have to strongly agree with the sentiment. Maybe not 49%, but certainly a far larger portion of masculinity in women is found much more attractive in American women than Asia. Korea particularly I find myself feeling extremely masculine. Most every girl here truly fulfills the submissive asian girl stereotype. I was reading in a cafe today and a couple next to me were discussing what they like in individuals, and the guy flat out said "I can't stand girls with short hair" right next to me! All of the girls have long flowing locks, never leave the house without a pair of heels and a designer handbag. Women are shunned if they smoke in public. I haven't seen a single girl with tattoos or piercings. Many of the asian guys I've talked to (all of which drink and smoke) say they think girls shouldn't drink or smoke at all. Most are so thin and fragile they appear as if they're about to break. All of them just scream high maintenance, which I think is something that American culture now looks down upon. I think it's because the women have to be hyper feminine in order to balance the feminity of asian men.
pop culture,
Saturday, July 5, 2008

" His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a buttefly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless."
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Sentimental Heart
I've been listening to She & Him obsessively ever since I heard "Sentimental Heart." It's actress Zooey Deschanel's (who is GORGEOUS) band alongside with M.Ward who I opened for about 2 1/2 years ago. Her voice is really interesting and the lyrics are really sweet. Watching that video makes me want a rhodes more than anyone will ever know. I think the instrumentation sounds really great at the end.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Love & Permanence

"Mel, for God's sake," Terri said. She reached out and took hold of his wrist." "are you getting drunk? Honey? Are you drunk?"
Raymond Carver - "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love"
This passage is the story of my life. I just finished the book. Some really great stories in this collection, like, really subtle and heartfelt and overwhelming kinds. He has this way of telling at least 3 stories in one story. He generally begins with one incredible story, then one of the characters tells a story to the other, distracting the reader with another incredible story, then ends the incredible story incredibly, then ties it back together with the beginning story with an even more incredible ending. My favorites would have to be what we talk about when we talk about love (where the passage is from, and the title of the collection,) Everything Stuck To Him, Tell the Women We're Going and Sacks.
I've been reading a lot because I have so much time on my hands and haven't been feeling like hanging out with my fob friends. They're all really nice people, it's just hard because we don't have much in common, so I spend all my time reading. I did meet this one girl though that I had an excellent conversation about a lecture she went to in Soho on S&M and how she's reading the "Feminine Mystique." Awesome. She totally doesn't seem like the kind of girl to be into/talking about that sort of thing, but don't judge a book by it's cover I suppose. Everyone thinks I'm a huge nerd. Whatever. Reading is cool. It's kind of nice having no friends because I'm much more productive. I'm already 50 pages in on Moveable Feast.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Now & Then

Friday, June 27, 2008
Pepe le peu
At 2:00 pm I went to Yonsei to take my placement exam, got 2 pages in and gave up because it was too hard. Afterwards I went to Dongdaemoon with some friends and met a girl who's louder than me that took us around to go shopping. It was fun but it's frustrating having to commute an hour from Yonsei to Gangnam where my Aunt lives because everyone else goes out and parties way later. Ah well, I suppose I can catch up on Anna Karenina.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Cutest Rice cakes in the world, in Shinsegae Department Store
So luckily I made it to Seoul in one piece after a 10 hour flight from San Francisco to Incheon Airport. I've been here for two days and I am so overwhelmingly excited and happy to be here it feels as if I am going to burst. Yesterday my Aunt showed me how to work public transportation, and how to get to Yonsei University, where I will be studying for 6 weeks. It's about an one hour commute, and it is a bit intimidating, but I think I will be able to manage. We also went to Shinsegae department store and walked around the Terminal which is a huge underground market full of really cheap clothes and knick knacks. Today I went back to Shinsegae on my own and walked around for a long time, I bought some gifts for a few friends, which I think are pretty neat. I was pretty proud of myself for not getting lost or stressed out. Everything is overwhelming cluttered with cutesy bright things it makes my eyes want to explode. Tomorrow I get to go on a 3 day fieldtrip and meet some of my classmates. I'm really excited/super nervous about it because I've never really had asian friends before and I'm not really sure what to expect. I feel kind of like a little kid hoping to make friends and not to be the dorky odd-one-out. I guess we'll see.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Nick & Michelle's Dweeby Sleepover Activities REVEALED

Leonard Cohen,
Nick Hawley-Gamer,
Randy Newman,

So I missed my flight this morning from Eugene to San Francisco, so in a brash attempt to make it work I was sent on a plane to Portland Airport (where I am currently; reclining on four leather chairs and eating a crappy sandwich that cost $5.99) where I will soon be transferring to San Francisco air. Then I am told to run as fast as my little legs can carry me, out of security, to the International terminal, haggle my way into a ticket to Seoul, then run back through security, and into a plane to Korea all in under 30 minutes. If I do not complete these tasks, I will be stuck in San Francisco until SUNDAY. So let us hope that all my elementary 1st place cross-country track ribbons will arise out of almost 10 years of neglecting to exercise and help me to make this god-damned flight. I've been in this stupid airport for 2 hours now bumbling about, but yay for free internet!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bande à Part
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Raspberry Pies
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Lip Synched
HAH. I just got a myspace comment on LGBS telling me they heard my music on youtube and loved it. I was really confused because I've never posted anything onto youtube before, so I checked it out only to find a girl had taped herself lip syncing "Laughter Makes the Heart Grow Fonder." Fucking HILARIOUS. Check it out.
HAH. I just got a myspace comment on LGBS telling me they heard my music on youtube and loved it. I was really confused because I've never posted anything onto youtube before, so I checked it out only to find a girl had taped herself lip syncing "Laughter Makes the Heart Grow Fonder." Fucking HILARIOUS. Check it out.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Wack-Job Hotties
celebrity gossip,
devendra banhart,
natalie portman
New Blog
So I've been lurking Nick's blog lately and have been inspired to create another one of my own. Probably about the 5th or 6th one of these that I have tried to maintain, but hopefully I will be able to keep this one up for awhile. I like Nick's approach to blogging because I think it'll be a much lower maintenance approach and realistic ambition to update daily, or at least frequently, if the entries remain short and simple. My plan for this blog is less daily activity, life of Michelle sort of things, so hopefully no emotional rants or drama coverage, but rather, art/news/music/film/ideas/literature I want to reflect on. Perhaps brief notes of my life will be included, but more so my personal artistic endeavors and travels. I think that covering the trip to Korea that I am soon to embark on, come the 20th of June, would be legit to cover.
The picture above in case anyone is reading and wondering is from Godard's La Chinoise. I watched the film fairly recently (about a week or so) with Cassidy and it just blew my mind. I figured I'd put it up so I could mention my screen name's inspiration (littleredmaomao,) particularly the sweetest french rock song. The song is all about communism and has a great hook that consists of a little "Mao! Mao!" hail at the end of each verse stanza. I would really like to cover it. I highly recommend the film, I think it's definitely one of his best. The movie is especially pleasant if you are able to watch it in a place where you can smoke simultaneously, as French movies often include chain-smoking and can be rather torturous to get through if you are a smoker and have to pause every half hour to relieve yourself.
french movies and smoking,
la chinoise
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