So even though the last few days have been full of fun and new friends, the last couple of days have truly taken a toll on me. I don't think I've ever been happier to stay in on a Friday night.
Last night was the worst night I've had in a long time. I met up with Ned after my Penn class (which I'm super stoked for, Video production, yay!) and was convinced into coming to Pilam's first Happy Hour of the year. I had a lot of fun but made sure I left early to make it to the train station in time for the last train out to Bryn Mawr. I also took a cab to insure my early arrival. So I make it early and while I'm waiting on the bench I double check to see if my ticket is in my wallet, and it is all fine and safe. I see I still have 5 mins to pee, so I rush to the bathroom, and somehow between then and when I rushed back my wallet was gone. Either it fell out and someone took it (I checked the bathroom and my running path, as well as the bench) or somehow someone stole it out of my bag. So I'm stuck in Philly for the night with no money,very little battery left in my phone, and no cigarettes ( and no one will let me buy them because my ID is stolen in my wallet.) So I call Ned and whine to him and he tells me I can stay at his house and he'll lend me the money to take the train the next morning. But somehow there is a miscommunication and I end up walking 12 blocks in pinchy shoes and 1/4 of a missing toenail (ouch!) and wait around for another hour until he comes and we leave for his house. That night I decided since I had undergone so much stress, it was legit for me to skip class the next morning seeing as I'd have to wake up at 7 in order to make it and wouldn't have time to get a new bank card and cancel my account.
So I wake up around 11, poop in Ned's toilet and clog it and embarrassingly have to own up to the situation. Ned instructs me with how to deal with it then lends me the money to take the train. (Shout out to Ned for being the most helpful person ever.) I decide after I get my bank card I will go shopping and have a really nice lunch to make me feel better. Unfortunately I can't find any restaurants where I want to eat so just end up eating at Qdoba. I check all my usual stores and find nothing appealing. Lastly I check FYE to buy a sweet video game but can't find anything interesting except the new soul calibur, which I pick out only to find that it is not in stock. So finally I give up, ask a stranger to buy me a pack of cigarettes (which was weird doing again) and head home. When I get home I decide to eat a nice bowl of microwavable chicken noodle soup and taken a nice warm shower to calm myself down. While in the shower I reach down into my shower caddy to grab my face wash only to find that my finger has landed right onto my razor instead and slit half of a cm of the tip off into a hinge. (You can't see it too well in the picture but believe me it is pretty disgusting.) It doesn't stop bleeding for 15 minutes and I have to scramble around naked trying to take care of it. Nonetheless it's been a pretty rough first week and I've never been more excited to just stay at home and do homework for the rest of the weekend.
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