Sunday, April 26, 2009


Haven't written in this thing in forever. Had a really meta convo with kids at the FUCs show about twitter. I think twitter is kind of dumb. Duncan was trying to convince me why he's all about it but I remained unconvinced. So there's that, and then I bumped into Ren's blog and thought it was really hip and thought I'd give this thing another go. Woop.

Lots going on. Newly single (for the 50th time, right? But this time it's definitely legit) for about a month now. Pretty happy, but definitely wasn't a couple weeks ago. Being productive has helped. Finished recording an EP with post post which was amazing and awesome. Got a record label interested in us ( and they're mixing/mastering and manufacturing all our CDs. Bomb! Also, about half an hour I finished a 25 page short story about a boy who lives at a motel and is denied any sort of cultural influence, and on his fifteenth birthday gets Songs of Leonard Cohen as his first record and is all blown away and shit. SO glad to have that out of the way, has been this super looming awful thing and now I can get fucked up on the weekends again cause that was pretty much the last important thing I have coming up, besides editing the documentary we're making about our band's recording process, which will just be fun. And then two finals I don't think will be too hard/don't really care about.

Went to New Jersey with Jon Friday and had lots of fun. Went to this huge warehouse full of old, cheap clothes divided into huge boxes labeled things like "Ugly Swtrs" "Sequin Dresses"and "70s Vests." That was bomb. 4/6 of the items I bought were things Jon picked out too. The two of us are the cutest bffs ever it is so ridic. My life would be like 1/4 less fun without him. Then we went to Mistuwa market place and ate ramen, green tea icecream and those waffle carps filled with red beans, bought some kimchi & rice and brought it home and have been eating it alot. Makes me feel super asian.

It looks really sunny and nice out. I need someone to drink whiskey sours & wine with all day and celebrate the fact that I'M SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH THIS YEARR!!!!!

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