" We discover Yiu-fai on the subway. He looks pensive, and then, in a maddeningly ambiguous moment, he appears to take something out of his pocket and lookat it for just a second-we can only surmise that this is what he is doing, since the shot only shows his face-and a tiny smile appears. Has he looked at the photo of Chang? As the subway train hurtles into the bright white station, freeze-frame. The End. The Turtles song continues, however, and we suddenly realize that Yiu-fai is still in love with Po-wing and probably always will be. The lyrics spell it loud and clear: "I can't see me lovin' nobody but you for all my life." But maybe Stokes and Hoover say it best: 'Fai learns to get over Po-wing and on with his life. He doesn't stop loving Po-wing, just as he doesn't hose to love him to begin with, but he makes a choice about how to love him, where they can be 'happy together'-at a distance.'" (86 Brunette "Wong Kar Wai")