I was lurking Cassidy's blog and found this entry particularly interesting:
I have to say, being in Korea, I'd have to strongly agree with the sentiment. Maybe not 49%, but certainly a far larger portion of masculinity in women is found much more attractive in American women than Asia. Korea particularly I find myself feeling extremely masculine. Most every girl here truly fulfills the submissive asian girl stereotype. I was reading in a cafe today and a couple next to me were discussing what they like in individuals, and the guy flat out said "I can't stand girls with short hair" right next to me! All of the girls have long flowing locks, never leave the house without a pair of heels and a designer handbag. Women are shunned if they smoke in public. I haven't seen a single girl with tattoos or piercings. Many of the asian guys I've talked to (all of which drink and smoke) say they think girls shouldn't drink or smoke at all. Most are so thin and fragile they appear as if they're about to break. All of them just scream high maintenance, which I think is something that American culture now looks down upon. I think it's because the women have to be hyper feminine in order to balance the feminity of asian men.